#30 잭은 멜을 자신이 만든 야외 야구연습장으로 데리고 간다. 대사 속에서는 batting cage라고 한다. 어두운 숲 한 가운데에 나무를 경계로 전구와 네트가 처져있고 야구공이 날아오는 기계가 있다. 둘은 헬멧을 쓰고, 배트를 들고 있다. 이 장면에서 잭은 유난히 All right 이란 말을 많이 한다. ㅎㅎ
Mel; I don't know what i'm more surprised at, that you built a batting cage for yourself in the middle of the woods, or that i'm holding a bat and wearing a helmet. Are we really doing this?
Jack; How do you usually burn off stress? (I'm run). One of those people, huh? 그런 유형이시구낭?
Mel; What is that supposed to mean?
Jack; You know, "those people". People who constantly crave productivity. My theory is that runners are the same people who stress clean. You do a little of that?
Mel; You're ridiculous. And for your information, I ran track in high school.
Jack; All right. Hit the button, runner.
Mel; Bet i know what you did in high school.
Jack; Don't be afraid to let go once in a while.
Mel; I can let go. I can! (yes)
Jack; Really? All right. Wanna give it a whilr? Come on, then. Ok, you ready? Here we go. That's all right. You're just getting a feel for the bat. See.. choke up a little.
Mel; What? What was that mean?
Jack; Here. Just.. take your bottom hand. Close to the base. Take this hand up.. to meet your right hand. All the way up. 쭉 올려. Ok.
Mel; Hold it here?
Jack; Bring this off your shoulder. Widen your stance. You might wanna keep your eye on the ball there. Ok. You ready? ok, You got this.
Mel; I hit it! I hit the ball!
Jack; All right!
#31 잭스바로 걸어가며 나누는 대화. 멜의 어린 시절 상처를 알게 된다.
Jack; Well, i wonder if Doc had any luck locating the baby's mother.
Mel; Oh, yeah, me too. (If not?) Well, hopefully, Social services can locate her or a relative. If not, then good adoptive parents.
Jack; She needs her mom.
Mel; Yeah. Are you close with yours? (Yeah, very). Yeah? What about your father?
Jack; Uh, not so much. (No?) Oh, we don't really see eye-to-eye on things. He never wanted me to be a marine. How about you?
Mel; Oh, technically I'm an orphan. (Technically?) Well, I lost my mother when i was 11 and my dad about ten years ago. (That's rought). Yeah, my mom had cancer. (I'm sorry). Yeah. But, you know, she's the reason i decided to become a nurse. When the time came for me to go say goodbye to her, I didn't wanna go. My dad and my sister, joey, they went into my mother's room, and i just ran down the hall. I guess i thought if i didn't say goodbye then, you know, she couldn't actually leave. Um, i don't really remember how long i was alone, but um after a while, one of my mother's nurses, she came down, and she sat down next to me and she didn't say anything. You know, she's just.. held me and let me cry. And later, we went to my mother's room and i said goodbye. But that nurse got me through one of the hardest days of my life. And it was in that moment that i realized that this is what i wanna do for other people. And now, every time i walk into an exam room or a hospital, I think about my mother. I'm gonna go check on Chloe.
#32 진료실로 들어와 클로이를 체크하는 멜.
Mel; You look very natural with a baby.
Hope; Please. Children are too much work. I decided to raise husbands instead.
Mel; Oh yeah, how'd that work out for you?
Hope; One was my soul mate. One was the bane of my existence. And one was.. the best three months of my life.
Mel; No regrets?
Hope; I don't have regrets. I make choices, and then i live with the consequences. I think we're alike that way.
Mel; Yeah, i know my own mind. 후회하지 않는데 그런 점에서 너랑 나랑 닮았다고 말하는 홉에게 하는 말이니까, 나도 내 마음 잘 안다 혹은 번역된 것처럼 나도 후회 안한다, 라며 동의하는 뉘앙스임.
Hope; I like that about you. You're going to call Social services, aren't you?
Mel; Yeah, I should've called them this morning.
Hope; You gotta do what you think's best. 라고 말하고 홉은 떠남.
Mel; Do you wanna try some milk? Let's go try some milk, okay?
#32 릴리가 들어옴
Lilly; Hello? Found some extra onesies. You can never have too many.
Mel; Oh, those are beautiful. I'm sure Chloe will love them. (Chloe?) It's just temporary. It's better than calling her baby.
L; I like it. Actually, the..the onesies are just an excuse to come and see you.
Mel; Wait, is something wrong?
L; Connie shouldn't have said those things to you today. I feel terrible i didn't step in and say something.
Mel; Oh, thank you. But i'm used to dealing with people when they're stressed and angry.
L; I would be happy to look after chole for a little while, so you could at least go take a shower and change.
Mel; You know, i just took a break, and i really should try to feed her again.
L; Come on. Aww.. There you go. Look at you. (릴리가 아이를 건네받고 흔들어주자 아이의 칭얼거림이 줄어듦).
Mel; Wow, you really do have the touch.
L; Four babies, remember? You go on. Get cleaned up. I'm gonna try and feed her. (I don't know). Listen, none of my babies liked taking a bottle. This one's no different. But i have tricks.
Mel; Ok. I would love a hot shower. All right. I'm just over at the Fitches', so it won't take long.
L; Oh, take your time.
병원 밖으로 나가서, 소셜서비스에 전화하는 멜.
#33 잭스바, 마감 후 브래디와 잭
Jack; Hey, how'd it go?
Brady; Look I appreciate the job, I just, I don't think it's for me.
Jack; Hey, look, first days are the roughest.
Brady; I don't wanna bus tables. 여기서 bus는 음식을 나르는 동사로 쓰여짐.
Preacher; Wanna break dishes? Hey, you know what? 빈정거리며 프리쳐가 따지려 들자,
Jack; Just, hey, sleep on it. 하루만 더 생각해봐. Brady, we'll talk about it tomorrow, ok? (브레이디는 프리쳐 꼴아보고 나감) Look, he's trying to make a fresh start. Just ease up a bit. 좀 살살해.
P; How many times can on person start over?
Jack; As many as it takes. Jesus, you're one of the best forgiving people I know. But not when it comes to Brady.
P; Well, he may have you fooled, but not me. Hell, he thinks any straight job is beneath him.
Jack; Well, he's here. He's trying.
P; You really think he's changed? 라고 말하며 퇴장하는 프리쳐
#34 전화를 받는 잭. 아마도 애인. 복잡한 심정으로 한숨지음.
Jack; Hey, yeah, I'll see you soon.
#35 피치 여관 로비에 닥이 와 있음.
Mel; You're back.
doc; Yeah, Lilly told me you'd be over here.
Mel; Did you find the mother?
doc; Well, there was a young woman in one of the pot camps outside of town. And she wa seven months pregnant last time i saw her. (So, it's her?) Well, it could be, but she left the camp. I tracked her into Clear river, and, you know, i came up empty.
Mel; Well, jack gave me an impression that those camps aren't very clean.
doc; Oh, no runnin' water, limited electricity. Not the best sanitation. No.
Mel; all right. well, the baby was left in a clean onesie, with a clean blanket, and a note written on a clean piece of paper. Doesn't really sound like the camps.
doc; I have other leads, and I'm gonna start in the morning. And i can see if Connie or Lilly can keep the baby tonight.
Mel; Well, you should know that the baby is still rejecting the bottle.
doc; Well, in my experience, a baby will eat when they're ready. She'll be ok for one more night.
Mel; I called that after-hours number in Eureka. Social services is coming to get her tomorrow.
doc; You had no right!
Mel; No, I have a responsibility and a duty to act in the best interests of that baby. And i shouldn't have waited all day to do it, but i did so out of respect for you. (Respect.. respect..) Yeah, look, I'm sorry we diagree on this, but the baby's welfare is more important than your ego.
doc; Well, you know, I know this is just a formality since you're already given notice to hope, but you are fired. Fired!
#36 잭의 집. 거실 소파에 요염하게 누워있는 애인.
M; Hey, what kept you? (Work). You ok?
Jack; Yeah, just, Preacher and Brady are at each other's throats again. Makes me feel like i gotta be some kind of parental...
M; I don't wanna talk about work. Come here.
#37 해고당했는데 병원에 애기 보러 온 멜. 클로이에게 젖을 먹이고 있는 릴리를 발견.
Mel; Lilly I'm back.
L; It's ok, there you go.
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